Our fees are fixed with the client in a fully transparent manner, in accordance with the ethics of the legal profession, after the client has accepted our estimate.
First appointment
The firm undertakes to discuss fees at the first appointment, after having taken knowledge of the matter. A fee will be charged for the first appointment according to the firm’s usual rates, unless the firm has agreed a different fee beforehand.
Payment method
The firm will always recommend the payment method that is the most suitable for the client and the matter in question.
In principle, a fee agreement will be entered into by and between the firm and the client. Derogations may be made in the case of limited and/or one-off jobs. In any case, the agreement on fees will be formalised by letter or email.
3 options
“Time spent”: here, fees are charged based on the time spent by the lawyer and his/her hourly rate. When this method of payment is chosen, the firm will give the client a provisional forecast of the number of hours needed to deal with the matter and shall make available to the client a record of time spent on the case.
Lump-sum fee: a fixed fee shall be paid for the whole procedure. Setting fees in this way is most suitable for matters where the firm is able to estimate the time needed to handle the case in advance.